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Olivier BOUYER

Founding Director

He is a tropical agro-economist engineer and chief engineer of bridges, water and forests (on availability from the administration), and also a certified forestry expert of the National Center for Land, Agricultural and Forestry Expertise (CNEFAF). He started in 2001 as a technical assistant for French cooperation in Ghana and Guinea, where he worked for 5 years on the development of various agricultural sectors. For 3 years, he was then a forest/climate expert in the French climate negotiation delegation and took part in the Nairobi, Bali, Copenhagen Conferences, etc. Then, he joined the international branch of the National Forestry Office (ONFI) as director of the climate unit, where he coordinated studies in Africa and Latin America for 3 years. He founded SalvaTerra and has been running its business for 13 years. He has 24 years of experience in rural development and environmental protection. He has intervened in about fifty countries (Sub-Saharan Africa, Mediterranean Basin, Indian Ocean and Latin America) on various themes in the agriculture, forestry and environment sectors.

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Langues parlées : French, English, Spanish