Workshop at JRC Ispra on EU Member States’ LULUCF projections to 2020 Italie


Services: Strategic analysis and foresight

Countries: Italie

Dates of intervention: 2006/11

Main beneficiary: Gouvernement Français

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory executionProjection of GHG emissions and removals in the French forest and wood based sector up to 2020

Summary of the service

Representation of the France at a workshop at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra on greenhouse gas projections to 2020 in the forestry and agricultural sectors of EU Member States: preparation of projections with members of the National Expert Group on Carbon Sinks (Interprofessional Technical Centre for Air Pollution Studies - CITEPA; National Forestry Office - ONF; National Forest Inventory - NFI; Directorate General of Forestry and Rural Affairs - DGFAR), followed by presentation and discussion at the workshop.