Training of Malian forest services in cartography (GPS, GIS, remote sensing) Mali


Swedish International Development Cooperation AgencyDirection nationale des eaux et forêts du Mali

Services: Training and capacity building

Countries: Mali

Dates of intervention: 2017/11

Amount executed: 16 981 €
Total amount of the service: 16 981 €

Main backer: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Client

Main beneficiary: Direction nationale des eaux et forêts du Mali

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Anis CHAKIB, Maden LE CROM

Certificate of satisfactory executionCompte-rendu de formation - Renforcement des capacités des agents de développement en cartographie, télédétection, SIG et utilisation du GPSManuel de formation - Renforcement des capacités des agents de développement en cartographie, télédétection, SIG (et utilisation du GPS) appliqués à la gestion des ressources forestières

Context of the service

The Decentralized Forest Management Programme (GEDEFOR2) funded a one-week training course in mapping (GPS, GIS, remote sensing) for 26 forest service officers.
6 themes were to be presented: (i) Geomatics and GIS; (ii) Repositories and contact information; (iii) Topometrics; (iv) Remote sensing; (v) Case study on remote sensing; (vi) Spatial analyses.
9 tutorials were to be organized: (i) Installation of QGIS; (ii) Getting started with QGIS; (iii) Preparation of an inventory; (iv) GPS measurements; (v) Loading GPS data into GIS, (vi) Manipulation of rasters, (vii) Classification, (viii), Spatial Analyses, (ix) Production/printing of a card.
A practical exercise was tailor-made in a forest area located 32 km from Bamako, to mobilize in real situations the tools presented (Digitization, Buffer Zone, Cut/Intersection, Raster Calculator, Cutting, Vectorization, etc.).

Services provided

The training mobilized the following tools:
- Slideshows compiled in a Color Training Manual distributed to all participants. Each slideshow was deliberately limited to less than 20 slides, so as not to burden the training with concepts not mobilized in practice;
- The QGIS software installed on the participants' personal computers;
- Directed work, i.e. (i) carrying out the manipulations by the trainers and repetition by the participants, or (ii) statement of the problem by the trainers, search for solutions by the participants and then collective correction;
- Summaries made each morning of the previous day's work and quizzes (20 multiple-choice questions per theme) filled in each evening on the day's work, in order to strengthen the anchoring of knowledge.
In 5 days, participants accumulated more than 18 hours of manipulation of GIS and GPS tools. According to the satisfaction questionnaires, the training was considered overall to be very suitable.

Summary of the service

Design and animation of a one-week training in cartography (GPS, GIS, remote sensing) for 26 Malian forest service agents: Theoretical presentations (geomatics, reference frames and coordinates, topometrics, etc.); Practical exercises (GIS manipulation, spatial analysis, sampling plan, supervised classification, etc.) and field exercises (use of GPS and inventory); Knowledge tests via quizzes.