Technical and financial evaluation of agri-environment-climate measures Mayotte


Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de MayotteMinistère de l’agriculture de la France

Services: Technical and economic advice, Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Mayotte

Dates of intervention: 2017/03 - 2017/06

Amount executed: 65 830 €
Total amount of the service: 65 830 €

Main backer: Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Mayotte - Client

Main beneficiary: Ministère de l’agriculture de la France

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Anis CHAKIB, Maden LE CROM

Certificate of satisfactory executionEvaluation technique et financière des Mesures agroenvironnementales et climatiques (MAEC) du Programme et développement rural (PDR) 2014-2020 de Mayotte

Context of the service

The study assessed seven Agri-Environmental and Climate Measures (AECM) foreseen in Mayotte's Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020:
- AGROFORESTRY: Maintenance of traditional cultivation in Mahoran gardens (threatened by the rise of banana and cassava monocultures),
- RIPARIAN AND HEDGEROW: Maintenance of hedgerows and riparian forests regulating flows and erosion,
- COVER PLANT: Maintaining permanent soil cover to combat erosion and restore soil fertility,
- ANTI-EROSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Maintenance of these facilities (stone walls, windrows of vegetable waste, plant fascines, deep-rooted plants, etc.),
- EXTENSIVE GAZING: Maintenance of the openings of environments for extensive livestock farming on wet meadows,
- WOODED POLYCULTURE: Maintenance of agroforestry systems allowing year-round production and permanent soil cover,
- PERMANENT GRASSLAND: Maintenance of environment openings in permanent grassland.

Services provided

The seven AECMs were analysed: (i) Effectiveness in responding to agri-environmental issues? ; (ii) Adequacy with local practices? ; (iii) Potential for contractualization? ; (iv) Eligibility requirements?
The analyses were based on a very thorough literature review of local agricultural and environmental issues, as well as field surveys of 40 farmers.
These surveys included: visit of all the plots, delimitation of the plot with GPS, exhaustive inventory of agro-sylvo-pastoral productions in place, long maintenance concerning the management of the farm (objectives, available production factors, technical itineraries practiced, simplified income statement, consideration of environmental issues, etc.).
The analyses made it possible to make operational proposals concerning the deployment of AECMs, namely to strengthen the most promising AECMs and to modify some of them or even abandon them.

Summary of the service

Evaluation of EU-funded agri-environment-climate measures (AEFRD) for the maintenance of agroforestry (Mahoran garden), hedgerows, riparian forests, wet meadows, as well as for the reduction of erosion, and the adoption of new cropping practices under cover: Bibliographic review; Very detailed field surveys of 40 farmers; Operational proposals (strengthening of some AECMs, modification or abandonment of others).