Services: Technical and economic advice, Technical assistance
Countries: République démocratique du Congo, Gabon
Dates of intervention: 2010/12 - 2011/04
Amount executed: 8 250 €
Total amount of the service: 8 250 €
Main backer: Fonds français pour l’environnement mondial - Client
Main beneficiary: Gouvernement du Gabon
Other beneficiaries: Gouvernement de République démocratique du Congo
Support provider: Olivier BOUYER
Experts: Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionONFI (2011). Appui aux Autorités nationales désignées (AND) de la RDC et du Gabon: analyse du statut juridique et recommandations
The project Carbon Finance for Agriculture, Silviculture, Conservation and Action against Deforestation, (CASCADe) is funded by the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It aims to strengthen the capacities of African countries in the area of carbon finance in the forest and bioenergy sectors.
Support to the Designated National Authorities (DNAs) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of Gabon and the DRC was provided as part of this project. Following a review of the legal and institutional framework governing the activities of the NCAs-CDMs, recommendations were expected to contribute to:
- Analysis of sectoral legislation (forestry and energy) in both countries,
- The revision of the texts governing the AN-CDM,
- The definition of CDM project approval procedures in both countries,
- The preparation of an inventory and prospects of the CDM in both countries.
The DNAs of Gabon and DRC were therefore the subject, between December 2010 and April 2011, of an external audit by two pairs of lawyers.
The expert coordinated the entire study and ensured the proofreading and quality control of the documents produced on the basis of (i) interviews with DNA staff, but also administrations in charge of the environment and forestry, and carbon project leaders where possible, (ii) review of CDM and REDD+ documents and strategies, as well as environmental and forest codes.
Key recommendations common to both countries were:
- Approve the procedures for the approval and implementation of CDM and voluntary projects by the DNA,
- Submit a definition of forest to the Secretariat of the Climate Convention to enable afforestation and reforestation CDM projects,
- Improve the recognition of customary forest and soil law and introduce carbon ownership legislation as part of the reform of the Environmental Code,
- Introduce a tax system favourable to CDM or voluntary projects and establish a guide for the tax exemption of CDM income,
- Identify and develop programmatic CDM projects to prepare the implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigations Actions (NAMA) proposed by Gabon and DRC,
- Identify donors/international institutions to increase access to international carbon finance,
Support to Designated National Authorities (DNAs) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Analysis (analysis of sectoral legislation (forest and energy), revision of texts governing CDM-NAs and CDM project approval procedures); Recommendations (approve project approval procedures, submit a forest definition to the UNFCCC Secretariat, introduce carbon ownership legislation, formulate a project-friendly tax system, identify and develop programmatic CDM projects, increase access to carbon finance).