Study of REDD+ opportunities for the forest-wood sector in Kenya Kenya


Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnementService forestier kenyan

Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Kenya

Dates of intervention: 2015/03 - 2015/09

Amount executed: 78 800 €
Total amount of the service: 78 800 €

Main backer: Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement - Client

Main beneficiary: Service forestier kenyan

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER, Maden LE CROM, Jérôme MAURICE

Certificate of satisfactory executionOpportunities for improving efficiency in forestry operations and forest product processing in Kenya

Context of the service

Wood conversion yields in Kenya are extremely low and product quality is steadily decreasing. There is a strong potential to improve efficiency in the use of wood, including wood energy, which can lead to better profitability of the sector, but also to a reduction in the pressure caused by household demand, thus contributing to mitigation efforts in the forest sector.
It is on the basis of this working assumption that UNEP and KFS jointly launched this study on the REDD+ potential of measures related to improving efficiency in the Kenyan forest/timber sector.
The purpose of this study was to: (i) analyse the technical feasibility and the environmental and socio-economic implications of improving efficiency in the sector, (ii) present cost-benefit analyses, allowing for comparison of the measures envisaged and discuss their applicability in Kenya.

Services provided

The analyses covered all segments of the forest/wood sector (logging; wood processing; charcoal production; consumption of charcoal and fuelwood by households and industry) and led to the following results:
- Estimation of current conversion returns (baseline) in the targeted segments;
- Synthesis of globally available and transferable technologies to improve these yields;
- Estimation of the environmental and socio-economic costs and benefits of replacing current technologies with more efficient ones (including estimation of abatement costs (USD/tCO2e) over a period of 10 years);
- Animation of the reflections of the Technical Working Group on REDD+ in Kenya.

Summary of the service

Study of REDD+ opportunities for the forest-wood sector in Kenya: Estimation of current conversion yields (logging; wood processing; charcoal production; consumption of charcoal and fuelwood by households and industry); Synthesis of transferable technologies to improve these yields; Estimation of the environmental and socio-economic costs and benefits of substituting current technologies (including abatement costs (USD/tCO2e) over 10 years).