Global Canopy Programme support to develop Cameroon’s REDD+ Country Profile Cameroun


Global Canopy Programme

Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Cameroun

Dates of intervention: 2011/02

Main backer: Global Canopy Programme - Client

Main beneficiary: Global Canopy Programme

Support provider: Olivier BOUYER

Experts: Maden LE CROM, Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory execution

Context of the service

The Global Canopy Programme and the Forum on Readiness for REDD are behind the development of the REDD Desk, an information and exchange platform on the mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, increasing forest carbon stocks and sustainable forest management (REDD+).
Within the REDD Desk, the country database aims to centralize information on REDD+ activities in tropical forest countries, using a common analytical framework to facilitate rapid comparison between countries.
Three pilot countries were launched on the platform in May 2011. On this occasion, the Global Canopy Programme wanted to have expertise to fill in the database.
The experts participated in the development of Cameroon's country profile.

Services provided

Review of the information in the REDD Desk database and additional information on the REDD+ situation in Cameroon, particularly in terms of:
- Management and coordination of the process of preparation and implementation of REDD+,
- Commitment and participation of stakeholders,
- Carbon law and land rights,
- Regulatory measures (incentives, obligations),
- Initiatives for the development of REDD+ reference scenarios,
- Creation and implementation of safeguard clauses,
- Development of a system for measuring, reporting and verifying (MRV) forest areas and forest carbon stocks.

Summary of the service

Development of the Cameroon Country Profile for a database on countries engaged in REDD+: Procedures for coordination and stakeholder consultations; State of play of incentive/coercion tools (including progress on the definition of carbon law); Safeguard clauses; Forest carbon MRV procedures; Guidelines on REDD+ baseline scenarios.