Final evaluation of the Land Reform and Land Tenure Security Support Project (ARSF) Madagascar


Agence française de développementGouvernement de Madagascar

Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Madagascar

Dates of intervention: 2020/08 - 2021/02

Amount executed: 7 312 €
Total amount of the service: 40 635 €

Main backer: Agence française de développement

Other backers: Commission européenne

Main beneficiary: Gouvernement de Madagascar - Client

Co-contractors: Sylvatrop consulting

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory executionRapport d'évaluation finale du projet d'Appui à la réforme et à la sécurisation foncière (ARSF)

Context of the service

The Land Reform and Land Tenure Security Support Project (ARSF) is the land component of the EU-funded Agroforestry Support Programme in the Antananarivo area (ASA). Its main objective is to contribute to a better management and security of land resources in Madagascar in general and in the municipalities of covered by the ASA program in particular.

Its specific objectives are (i) to provide concrete, practical and accessible solutions to secure farmers' land rights and land use rights, (ii) to set up appropriate and sustainable procedures for securing and managing land rights in the municipalities covered by the ASA programme, and (iii) to support the Ministry in charge of land in the experimentation aimed at feeding the National Land Programme and the evolution of the related legislative framework.

Services provided

The services provided were as follows:

- Document review, development of a methodology adapted to the project, elaboration of a scoping report;

- Interviews with the project management Unit, AFD, institutional stakeholders/decision-makers (General Directorate of Land Services, Land Observatory, etc.), local stakeholders (mayors and municipal elected officials, land office agents, land districts, farmers' organizations, etc.);

- Analysis of the project's performance according to OECD/DAC criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and added value, with a particular focus on the project's contributions to the national land reform process;

- Synthesis of lessons learned and formulation of strategic, operational and institutional recommendations.

Summary of the service

Final evaluation of the Land Reform and Land Tenure Security Support Project (ARSF), co-financed by the EU and AFD, and implemented by the latter: Literature review; Field surveys with the project's stakeholders; Analysis of the project's performance according to OECD/DAC criteria, with a particular focus on the project's contributions to the national land reform process; Synthesis of lessons learned and recommendations.