Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Guinea
Dates of intervention: 2014/03 - 2014/04
Amount executed: 23 570 €
Total amount of the service: 23 570 €
Main backer: Winrock International
Main beneficiary: Winrock International - Client
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionBaseline study for the AEMIP Global Climate Change Integration Pilot
As part of the implementation of USAID's 2012-2016 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, it was decided to add a new component to the Agriculture Education and Market Improvment Program (AEMIP): inclusion of climate themes in agricultural education and extension.
This component includes three main actions:
- Develop agricultural education and extension frameworks on climate change, including agricultural adaptation and the promotion of climate-smart agriculture;
- Implement pilot projects for agricultural adaptation;
- Strengthen intersectoral coordination (agriculture, forestry, livestock, environment, finance, etc.) on the issue of adaptation to climate change.
The services were aimed at: (i) Assess the integration of climate issues in agricultural education and extension, (ii) Assess the capacity of institutions to achieve this integration, (iii) Determine the nature of intersectoral coordination on these issues, (iv) Produce recommendations.
The analyses were based on a literature review and nearly 160 semi-structured questionnaires with actors from the agricultural world (agricultural education, agricultural research, OPA, rural radios, etc.). They have made it possible to:
- to take stock of the art in terms of adapting agriculture to climate change in West Africa and Guinea;
- assess the level of understanding of these topics among stakeholders;
- to make recommendations (massively inform on climate change, train the actors of the agricultural world, identify agricultural adaptation measures for the main agrarian systems).
Feasibility study of the climate change component of the agricultural extension and market access improvement project (AEMIP): Literature review and 160 semi-structured questionnaires with actors from the agricultural world; State of the art in adapting agriculture to climate change in West Africa and Guinea; Assessment of stakeholders' level of understanding; Recommendations in terms of information, training and vulnerability studies.