Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Senegal
Dates of intervention: 2020/02 - 2021/10
Amount executed: 245 910 €
Total amount of the service: 326 650 €
Main backer: French Development Agency - Client
Main beneficiary: Société nationale d’aménagement et d’exploitation des terres du delta du fleuve Sénégal et des vallées du fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé
Co-contractors: Egis, Meteodyn, Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Johan PASQUET
Certificate of satisfactory executionAnalyse des vulnérabilités et élaboration des options d’adaptationStratégie et Plan d’Actions d’Adaptation au Changement Climatique (version révisée)L’adaptation au changement climatique pour renforcer la résilience des populations et territoires ruraux de la Vallée du fleuve Sénégal
AFD's Adapt'Action Facility supports 15 countries, including Senegal, in order to implement the Paris Climate Agreement. In this context, and in consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment, this study has been launched in order to:
- Analyze the vulnerabilities of agriculture to climate change (CC) in the different agroecological zones of the Senegal River Valley (Delta, Middle and Upper Valley);
- Propose adaptation options through a strategy for 2035 and a first action plan. This strategy and action plan primarily concern the National Company for the Development and Exploitation of the Lands of the Senegal River Delta and the Senegal River and Falémé River Valleys (SAED), whose mission is to promote irrigated agriculture.
SalvaTerra coordinated a team of 10 experts to carry out the following tasks:
- Review of existing data/modelling followed by collection/analysis of climate projection data, followed by discussion meetings on climate scenarios;
- Participatory diagnosis of climate and non-climate vulnerabilities (including local adaptation strategies and knowledge and their potential limitations) through field surveys (interviews with SAED and other key actors, visits to concrete initiatives);
- Consolidation of the diagnosis and identification of possible adaptation options via zonal workshops and a national workshop;
- Participatory prioritization (SAED, decentralized technical services, agricultural research and advisory structures, producer organizations, women's groups, etc.) of adaptation options, giving rise to a Strategy for 2035, an Action Plan 2021-2025 and a Capacity Building Plan on adaptation to the CC.
CC vulnerability study in the Senegal River Valley, as part of the Adapt'Action Facility: Review of existing data (including climate projections); Participatory diagnosis of climatic and non-climatic vulnerabilities through interviews and visits to the Senegal River Development Company (SAED) and other key stakeholders; Participatory prioritization (SAED, STD, OPA, etc.) of adaptation options; Development of an Adaptation Strategy for 2035 and an Action Plan 2021-2025.