Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Diagnostics and feasibility studies
Countries: Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Dates of intervention: 2017/12 - 2018/10
Amount executed: 77 550 €
Total amount of the service: 77 550 €
Main backer: Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon - Client
Main beneficiary: Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Maden LE CROM, Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionPlan de développement agricole durable à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon - Stratégie et Plan d'action
With four professional farmers in operation and a significant reduction in the areas developed in recent decades, agriculture in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon was at its lowest in 2018.
The Sustainable Agriculture Development Plan (SADP) aims to revitalize the agricultural sector by removing barriers faced by existing farms and those that could be created.
Built by the Territorial Collectivity and the Directorate of Territories, Agriculture and the Sea (DTAM), with the support of SalvaTerra, it sets the following objectives:
- Strengthen the share of agriculture in the economy of the archipelago;
- Improve the coverage of agricultural product needs with local products;
- Strengthen the role of agriculture in spatial planning, biodiversity conservation and landscape maintenance.
A diagnosis covered all the issues: weight of the sector, past and current strategies, actors, environmental conditions (climate, water, soil, diseases, pests and invasive plants, etc.), production and their evolution, description of farms in operation or closed (with economic analysis), factors of production (land, inputs, equipment, credit, labor, public aid), processing, marketing, agrotourism, agricultural training and research, etc. This diagnosis has been validated by all stakeholders.
Then, on the basis of the diagnosis, exchanges with local stakeholders and working groups, the PDAD Strategy and Action Plan were developed. Finally, 18 action sheets were drawn up (Priority / Strategies concerned / Context / Objectives / Necessary conditions / Link with the other sheets / Designated interlocutors for the action / Collaborations and partnerships to be developed / Deadlines / Resources (human, financial, technical) to be provided / Monitoring indicators).
Support of the Territorial Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon in the development of a Sustainable Development Plan for agriculture: Diagnosis of agriculture in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (bibliographic review and interviews with stakeholders); Animation of working groups to draft the Strategy and the Action Plan; Finalization of 18 action sheets.