
URGENT – agro-economist research for technical assistance on the agricultural development project of the groundnut basin of Dabola – Guinea Conakry!

1 February 2020

URGENT – agro-economist research for technical assistance on the agricultural development project of the groundnut basin of Dabola – Guinea Conakry!

The SalvaTerra and BRLi consortium has been shortlisted by AFD to provide technical assistance to the management unit of the Dabola Groundnut Basin Development Project - Guinea Conakry. This €7.7 million project, lasting 5 years, covers various actions: R&D in agroecology on groundnut-based production systems; Agricultural advice on groundnut production systems; Promotion of harness culture; Dissemination of improved groundnut and rice seeds; Facilitating access to agricultural credit; Promotion of irrigated rice cultivation, market gardening and complementary economic activities. More details in the attached terms of reference.

In this context, we are looking for a senior technical assistant, in support of the national coordinator of the project in order to implement and monitor all the stakeholders and activities of the project. The following qualifications are required:

  • Engineer level (Bac + 5) agroeconomist or equivalent, with at least 10 years of experience in terms of monitoring/coordination and management of similar development projects as a senior agroeconomist, project manager/manager and/or coordinator and/or technical assistant;
  • Specific expertise in at least two of the following areas: professional and interprofessional organization of agricultural sectors, marketing and professionalization of the downstream of agricultural sectors, production of farmers’ seeds, support and advice in peasant agriculture;
  • Experience working with different technical partners: technical services and state agencies, NGOs, professional agricultural organizations, social and environmental monitoring, agricultural research institutions;
  • Knowledge of Guinea and the realities on the ground;
  • Experience working with international donors, previous experience with AFD and knowledge of its procedures will be encouraged.

In addition, the following personal qualities will be privileged: interpersonal skills and sense of contact, autonomy and initiative, ability to manage teams and mobilize the actors involved in the project, negotiation and organizational skills, written and oral communication, availability and ability to mobilize on the ground and in Conakry from his residence in Dabola

Please send your CV up to date, indicating your fee proposal to before March 8th.

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