2 November 2020
Forestry cooperatives, transporters, sawyers… The operators of the French forest-wood sector have developed their own computer systems, with specific languages and procedures.
eMOBOIS aims to facilitate the flow of information between operators in the forest-based sector by providing users with a single product repository and standardized communication procedures. The dematerialization and automation of exchanges should make it possible to respond to concrete problems: optimization of transport, management of wood stocks in the forest, simplification of wood exchange procedures, etc.
SalvaTerra continued the work started in 2019 for FBF on eMOBOIS. Based on an in-depth diagnosis, SalvaTerra proposed various scenarios for the deployment of the eMOBOIS program at the national level. The development of interoperability, the extension of the eMOBOIS language, the follow-up of pilot projects in the regions… so many avenues explored in the proposed action plans.
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19 Feb. 2025
Chez SalvaTerra, nous accompagnons les bailleurs de fonds et porteurs de projets avec une approche rigoureuse et pragmatique, fondée sur des années d'expérience en études de hashtag#faisabilité et en hashtag#formulation de projets.