
Strengthening Tunisia’s climate change governance institutional framework

23 October 2020

Strengthening Tunisia’s climate change governance institutional framework

SalvaTerra supported the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries (MARHP) of Tunisia in strengthening its institutional governance system related to climate change (CC).

As part of the Adapt’Action Facility launched in May 2017 by the French Development Agency (AFD), Expertise France is in charge of Axis 1 to support the implementation of local “climate” governance. SalvaTerra was recruited for specific support to the MARHP of Tunisia.

The MARHP of Tunisia wished to integrate climate issues into all the orientations and interventions supported by the Ministry. The Climate Change Management and Coordination Committee (GC3C) was created to fulfill this objective.

SalvaTerra supported the Ministry on four areas of work:

1 – Strengthening the governance mechanism of the GC3C based on an in-depth and participatory institutional analysis;

2 – Support to the decentralization process by setting up a Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) CC in a pilot Governorate before multiplication throughout the country;

3 – Improvement of the skills of the members of the CG3C and the future referents of the 24 RCUs through the development and animation of five training courses (Institutional integration system; National Adaptation Plan; International negotiations; Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism; Climate Finance);

4 – development of communication tools on the integration of CC in the agricultural sector, available in Arabic and French for farmers, agricultural technicians, Ministry and RCU agents.

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