23 March 2023
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) represent the commitment of signatory states to the Paris Agreement to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. These commitments are fundamental: they set the objective to be achieved in the main sectors of the national economy. But their implementation is unfortunately often difficult.
Our study made it possible to diagnose a lack of articulation between the political level and the operational level: the programming, budgeting, execution and monitoring and evaluation (PPBESE) tools used on a daily basis by the agents of the ministries and administrations concerned do not integrate these objectives, with the consequence of a lack of visibility on how government action contributes or does not contribute to the achievement of NDCs.
Based on planning manuals and departmental operational procedures, we have updated the tools most used by PPBESE officials. These tools (planning matrices, annual work plans and budgets, etc.) have been updated to include a monitoring matrix for each of the NDC objectives.
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