14 October 2019
From November 2015 to May 2019, AFD executed for €5.35 million a “Project to support the implementation of the FLEGT VPA in the Republic of Congo” focusing on the revision of the Congolese legal corpus, the structuring of civil society, the strengthening of forest administration and support for private sector compliance.
In 2019, SalvaTerra was entrusted with the final evaluation of this project. The conclusions indicate in particular that very significant progress has been made in finalizing the LVS, but also that there is still significant work to be done to operationalize control at the level of the forest administration.
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26 Mar. 2025
Le Libéria, point chaud de biodiversité en Afrique de l'Ouest, abrite 43 % des forêts humides guinéennes. Cependant, le pays a perdu près de 2 millions d'hectares de forêt, soit environ 20 % de sa couverture forestière totale, en raison de la déforestation.
13 Mar. 2025
Avec plus de 300 références dans 60 pays, SalvaTerra dispose de connaissances approfondies et d’une expertise solide sur les caractéristiques et enjeux de nombreuses filières.