26 October 2022
Watershift aims to: (i) develop virtuous economic models with regard to water resources and biodiversity in the Mediterranean; (ii) activate financial levers to initiate a transition towards more sustainable water use patterns, particularly in the agriculture sector.
In order to refine the understanding of the challenges of agricultural water management and to analyze the good agricultural practices (GAP) proposed by Watershift – organic agriculture, agroforestry, fertigation systems, integrated pest management plans, decision support tools for irrigation, water reuse systems, soil conservation practices, Aid and financial incentives for water saving – the SalvaTerra team carried out three case studies on the olive sector in Puglia (Italy), almond production in the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid (Tunisia) and fruit growing (cherry, plum, apple, etc.) in the Sebou Basin (Morocco).
The cross-sectional analysis of the 3 case studies identified the following key issues with respect to agricultural water management:
In terms of the needs of AEs for the adoption of sustainable practices with regard to water resources, the economic question is therefore central and must be addressed in particular from the point of view of the possible reduction of production costs that these practices can bring to producers. The three GAP that we have retained and deepened in this study contribute in one way or another to this cost reduction:
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05 Nov. 2024
La biodiversité mondiale est largement méconnue : 1,9 millions d’espèces sont répertoriées dans le Catalogue of Life mais il en existerait a priori quatre fois plus, soit 8,7 millions ! Et sur ces 8,7 millions, près d’un million sont menacées d’extinction… La 6ème extinction de masse de la biodiversité est en cours.
24 Oct. 2024
SalvaTerra a été mandatée par le projet AFIDEV, porté par Expertise France, pour étudier les marchés de l'ylang-ylang et dégager des pistes de renforcement du positionnement de la production des Comores sur le marché international