13 Oct. 2020
The Sustainable Agriculture through a Landscape Approach Project (PADAP), funded by the World Bank, seeks to increase agricultural productivity while ensuring sustainable management of natural resources in five "landscapes" of Madagascar. Each landscape is defined here as a set of watersheds feeding one or more irrigated perimeters.
With its local partner SD Mad, SalvaTerra accompanied the actors of the territory for the development of the PAGDP of Iazafo, in the Analanjirofo region. This service mobilized ten experts over a period of 10 months.
29 Sep. 2020
SalvaTerra, in a consortium with Initiative Conseil International, conducted a study for IUCN's West and Central Africa Programme (PACO): "Environmental analysis, opportunities, options and challenges for the establishment and promotion of responsible and sustainable value chains in the extractive industries, agribusiness and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) sectors".
14 Apr. 2020
The training, which took place from 28 November to 6 December 2019, is part of a support from Secours Catholique Caritas France (SCCF) to strengthen Caritas Madagascar's capacities in response to food emergencies.
12 Feb. 2020
The EQUITE I programme, implemented by Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders (AVSF), Fair Trade France (CEF) and Faitretrade Africa (FTA) between 2016 and 2019, has contributed to strengthening the Fair Trade sector in five West African countries. The independent evaluation carried out by SalvaTerra revealed a very positive level of performance and results.
01 Feb. 2020
The SalvaTerra and BRLi consortium has been shortlisted by AFD to provide technical assistance to the management unit of the Dabola Groundnut Basin Development Project - Guinea Conakry. This €7.7 million project, lasting 5 years, covers various actions: R&D in agroecology on groundnut-based production systems; Agricultural advice on groundnut production systems; Promotion of harness culture; Dissemination of improved groundnut and rice seeds; Facilitating access to agricultural credit; Promotion of irrigated rice cultivation, market gardening and complementary economic activities. More details in the attached terms of reference.
14 Oct. 2019
The European FLEGT programme aims to guarantee the legality of European timber imports, excluding in particular any import of illegal timber. The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the EU and the Republic of Congo, which entered into force in 2013, aims to establish a Legality Verification System (LVS) covering the entire timber value chain, including for the domestic market.