26 Oct. 2022
As part of the Watershift project, implemented by Vertigo Lab, SalvaTerra carried out a diagnosis and assessment of the needs of Mediterranean agricultural entrepreneurs for the adoption of sustainable water management practices.
12 Oct. 2022
In early 2022, SalvaTerra finalized the feasibility study of the Talaky Be Project - Adaptation of agriculture to climate change and strengthening the resilience of rural communities in Southeastern Madagascar.
06 Oct. 2022
Financed through the Adapt'Action facility of the French Development Agency, the "Project to support the agricultural sector of the Dominican Republic in a context of CC" was implemented by SalvaTerra and its partners, with two main objectives:
- Assess the CC vulnerability of six agricultural production systems and strategic regions (photo), then prioritize two to develop an adaptation action plan.
- Evaluate the offer of meteorological services to agriculture and propose a roadmap for their improvement and development by the National Office of Meteorology (ONAMET).
14 Dec. 2021
As part of the Adapt'Action Facility, financed by AFD, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment (MAER) of Senegal, SalvaTerra coordinated support to:
(i) analyze the vulnerabilities of the agricultural sector to the expected effects of climate change in the different agro-ecological zones of the Senegal River Valley;
(ii) propose adaptation options through a 2035 strategy and a first action plan.
15 Nov. 2021
SalvaTerra carried out the final evaluation of the project "Combating desertification through support to pastoralism in Ferlo – Senegal", known as the "Ega Egga" project. It was implemented between 2016 and 2021 by AVSF and co-financed by the FFEM, AFD, the Rhône-Alpes Region and PASA.
24 Mar. 2021
SalvaTerra accompanied the Government of Guinea-Bissau in the revision of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) on the initial diagnosis of the axes of revisions in terms of climate change mitigation in the framework of the GCCA+ West Africa project.
24 Mar. 2021
SalvaTerra has carried out two feasibility studies on the diffusion of improved cookstoves in Uganda and Kenya, where PUR Projet supports coffee farmers' cooperatives by promoting the establishment of agroforestry systems, the adoption of good agricultural practices for Arabica coffee and the promotion of income-generating activities.