
SalvaTerra réalise une étude de faisabilité pour le Projet d’Appui à la gestion durable des Ressources et du Territoire des Comores (AGDRTC)

02 Aug. 2023

SalvaTerra réalise une étude de faisabilité pour le Projet d’Appui à la gestion durable des Ressources et du Territoire des Comores (AGDRTC)

Juillet 2023 - Retour en image sur la mission de SalvaTerra à Mohéli, plus ancienne et plus petite île de l’archipel des Comores, classée Réserve de biosphère par l’UNESCO depuis 2020 !

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SalvaTerra celebrates its 11th anniversary!

11 Jul. 2023

SalvaTerra celebrates its 11th anniversary!

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A new project manager in the SalvaTerra team!

20 Jun. 2023

A new project manager in the SalvaTerra team!

In 2023, SalvaTerra is recruiting two new project managers to strengthen its team and support its development in France and internationally. Anaëlle Cado joined the team in May 2023.

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In Guinea, the Steering Committee of Agricultural Land Reform held its 1st meeting!

15 Jun. 2023

In Guinea, the Steering Committee of Agricultural Land Reform held its 1st meeting!

With funding from AFD - French Development Cooperation, SalvaTerra provides the Guinean Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock with technical assistance in the development of an inclusive agricultural land reform, through the participatory design of an agricultural land policy and a law on agricultural land

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World Environment Day celebrates its 50th anniversary!

05 Jun. 2023

World Environment Day celebrates its 50th anniversary!

But what exactly does this day represent?

One year after the First Earth Summit, UNEP launches the 1st World Environment Day, celebrated on 5 June 1973 with the slogan "One Earth".

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Like every 22nd of May, it’s World Biodiversity Day!

22 May. 2023

Like every 22nd of May, it’s World Biodiversity Day!

But what exactly are we talking about?
It is an "international day", the purpose and date of which were established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. Initially set for 29 December, it was moved to 22 May (date of the adoption of the text of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity) in 2000.

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In 2022, SalvaTerra carried out the final evaluation of Fairtrade Finland’s Development Cooperation Programme (DCP) 2018-2021.

17 May. 2023

In 2022, SalvaTerra carried out the final evaluation of Fairtrade Finland’s Development Cooperation Programme (DCP) 2018-2021.

Fair Trade, a sacred subject of debate in the fields, in the kitchen and at the table!

"We should only consume Fairtrade certified products so that agricultural workers and farmers can live with dignity!" "Yes, but there is still a lot of marketing and social washing, on the ground workers are exploited and agricultural producers are always poorly paid! "It's not that simple, there are several labels and different issues and practices depending on the context, country and sector... "Yes, but... "No, but... ». What do you think?

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SalvaTerra supports the operationalization of NDCs in the planning of the agricultural and forestry sectors in Togo

23 Mar. 2023

SalvaTerra supports the operationalization of NDCs in the planning of the agricultural and forestry sectors in Togo

How can we ensure that climate change policy decisions are effectively reflected in public action planning in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) sector? This is the question that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has tried to solve in Togo, with the help of SalvaTerra and our friends Kpérkouma Wala and Dabitora Koumantiga.

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International Day of Forests – 21 March

21 Mar. 2023

International Day of Forests – 21 March

When was the last time you spent time in the forest?
Studies have shown the benefits of a walk in the forest to boost the immune system and reduce stress. This international day, dedicated to forests, aims this year to highlight their contributions to health. In addition to purifying our water and air, fertilizing soils, providing building materials and food, forests play a vital role against climate change by sequestering and storing carbon, as well as regulating the climate locally. Through these many ecosystem services, forests maintain a healthy environment for human and animal populations. They also provide the 60,000 or so plants used to heal us.

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Services provided by SalvaTerra in 2022

27 Feb. 2023

Services provided by SalvaTerra in 2022

"It's better to make short posts"... For once, we go a little longer, to give you an overview of the thematic and geographical diversity of our services provided in 2022. Nearly 50 services carried out in more than thirty countries. The SalvaTerra team is at your disposal to discuss your support/consulting needs in the agriculture, forestry, environment and bioenergy sectors, in France and internationally.

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Support for agricultural cash sectors in eastern Madagascar

27 Feb. 2023

Support for agricultural cash sectors in eastern Madagascar

Back in image on our last mission to the East of Madagascar on behalf of the Economic Transformation Project for Inclusive Growth (PIC-3): diagnostics and study of the development potential of agricultural cash sectors: vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, coffee, pepper, turmeric, ginger, essential oils, lychee, pineapple, passion fruit... Madagascar is a real treasure island!

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Two new positions to join SalvaTerra in 2023

01 Jan. 2023

Two new positions to join SalvaTerra in 2023

SalvaTerra is recruiting two project managers on permanent contracts to carry out technical expertise missions in France and abroad in the agriculture, forestry and environment sectors!

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