
A new project manager in the SalvaTerra team!

22 September 2022

A new project manager in the SalvaTerra team!

In 2022, SalvaTerra recruited two new project managers to strengthen its team and support its development in France and internationally. Sophia LYAMOURI joined us at the beginning of June.

She is an agroeconomist specialized in rural development, in the structuring of sustainable sectors and land use planning in tropical and dry areas.

Since 2015, Sophia has worked for FAO, IFAD and ECOWAS. She has coordinated projects and carried out studies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: agricultural sector analyses, socio-economic impact studies, nutrition and gender, support for agricultural governance and development of national investment plans, adoption of agroecological practices, agrarian diagnostics, sustainable management of natural resources, etc.

Thus, Sophia has contributed to the design and implementation of numerous rural development and food and nutrition security projects (Angola, India, Cameroon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau), to the dissemination of “climate-smart” agricultural practices (Comoros, Cape Verde), or to the structuring and promotion of sustainable oasis sectors (Saudi Arabia). She has also worked to facilitate various policy and multisectoral processes related to the agricultural sector and the environment (Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso and Liberia).

Welcome to Sophia!

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