Collaborations We have collaborated with many entities, whether they were recipients or donors of our services, or partners in the implementation of our services.



Commune of Koungou

Commune of Koungou

Action Against Hunger UK

Action Against Hunger UK

Advans Group

Advans Group

AECOM Canada

AECOM Canada

Belgian development agency

Belgian development agency

French Development Agency

French Development Agency

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Agronomists and veterinarians without borders

Agronomists and veterinarians without borders

Air France

Air France

Alternative carbone

Alternative carbone

Interprofession of the forest-wood sector – Bourgogne Franche Comté

Interprofession of the forest-wood sector – Bourgogne Franche Comté

Gardens of the world

Gardens of the world

Association Loisirs Vacances Languedoc

Association Loisirs Vacances Languedoc



Association for the Promotion of Education and Training Abroad

Association for the Promotion of Education and Training Abroad

Association Wouol

Association Wouol

ASTRIUM (Airbus group)

ASTRIUM (Airbus group)

African Development Bank

African Development Bank

World Bank

World Bank

National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali

National Agricultural Development Bank of Mali

Better Cotton Initiative

Better Cotton Initiative



Biotropical Agriculture Development Company

Biotropical Agriculture Development Company

National REDD+ Coordination Office Madagascar

National REDD+ Coordination Office Madagascar

Nigerien Engineering and Consulting Office

Nigerien Engineering and Consulting Office

Deposits and Consignments Fund – Climate

Deposits and Consignments Fund – Climate



Caritas Madagascar

Caritas Madagascar

Center for International Forestry Research

Center for International Forestry Research

Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

Centre commun de recherche de la Commission européenne

Centre commun de recherche de la Commission européenne

International Action and Achievement Centre

International Action and Achievement Centre

Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development

Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development

Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology

Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology

Centre international pour la recherche en agroforesterie

Centre international pour la recherche en agroforesterie

Interprofessional Technical Centre for Studies on Atmospheric Pollution

Interprofessional Technical Centre for Studies on Atmospheric Pollution

Centre universitaire de recherche et d’application en télédétection

Centre universitaire de recherche et d’application en télédétection

University of Paysandú – Uruguay

University of Paysandú – Uruguay

Chambre économique et multiprofessionnelle de Saint-Barthélemy

Chambre économique et multiprofessionnelle de Saint-Barthélemy

Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon

Territorial collectivity of St Pierre and Miquelon

Mexico’s National Commission on Protected Natural Areas

Mexico’s National Commission on Protected Natural Areas

Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel

Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel

Central African Forest Commission

Central African Forest Commission

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

European Commission

European Commission

National REDD+ Commission of Côte d’Ivoire

National REDD+ Commission of Côte d’Ivoire

National REDD+ Commission of the Democratic Republic of Congo

National REDD+ Commission of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Economic Community of West African States

Economic Community of West African States

National Climate Council of Gabon

National Climate Council of Gabon

Dominican Coffee Council

Dominican Coffee Council

National Council on Climate Change – Dominican Republic

National Council on Climate Change – Dominican Republic

French Cooperation

French Cooperation

GICET Cooperative N’sia mala mala

GICET Cooperative N’sia mala mala

Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique

Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Martinique

Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry of Mayotte

Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry of Mayotte

Directorate General of Forests of Algeria

Directorate General of Forests of Algeria

Directorate General of Forests of Tunisia

Directorate General of Forests of Tunisia

Direction nationale des eaux et forêts du Mali

Direction nationale des eaux et forêts du Mali

Earthshot Labs

Earthshot Labs

National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Bordeaux

National Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Bordeaux



Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young

Expertise France

Expertise France

Fair Trade Finland

Fair Trade Finland

Federation of Unions of Yam and Sesame Producing Cooperatives of Guinea

Federation of Unions of Yam and Sesame Producing Cooperatives of Guinea

Peasant federations

Peasant federations

International Foundation of Banc d’Arguin

International Foundation of Banc d’Arguin

International Wildlife Management Foundation

International Wildlife Management Foundation

Fund for peace

Fund for peace

Livelihoods funds – Danone

Livelihoods funds – Danone

French Facility for Global Environment

French Facility for Global Environment

International Fund for Agricultural Development

International Fund for Agricultural Development

Forest Investment Program

Forest Investment Program

Forest National Corporation of Soudan

Forest National Corporation of Soudan

FORM Ghana

FORM Ghana

France forest wood – National interprofession

France forest wood – National interprofession

Foundation for a Sustainable Amazon

Foundation for a Sustainable Amazon

REDDOM Foundation

REDDOM Foundation

GAIA Senegal

GAIA Senegal

Geosystems & Developpement

Geosystems & Developpement

Group for the rational exploitation of solar energy

Group for the rational exploitation of solar energy

Forest Ecosystems Public Interest Group

Forest Ecosystems Public Interest Group

German Technical Cooperation Agency

German Technical Cooperation Agency

Global Canopy Programme

Global Canopy Programme

Global Climate Change Alliance

Global Climate Change Alliance

Global Witness

Global Witness

Government of Côte d’Ivoire

Government of Côte d’Ivoire

Government of Guinea

Government of Guinea

Government of Guinea-Bissau

Government of Guinea-Bissau

Government of Madagascar

Government of Madagascar

Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Government of the Central African Republic

Government of the Central African Republic

Government of the Comoros

Government of the Comoros

Government of Haiti

Government of Haiti

Government of Burkina Faso

Government of Burkina Faso

Government of Congo

Government of Congo

Government of Gabon

Government of Gabon

Government of Niger

Government of Niger

Gouvernement du Sénégal

Gouvernement du Sénégal

Government of Chad

Government of Chad

Government of Togo

Government of Togo

French Government

French Government

Greenpeace France

Greenpeace France

Technological research and exchange group

Technological research and exchange group

Groupe Baastel

Groupe Baastel

Working Group on Desertification

Working Group on Desertification

National Group of Tropical Forest

National Group of Tropical Forest

Guakía Ambiente

Guakía Ambiente

Guinea 44

Guinea 44

Haut Commissariat à l’Initiative “les Nigériens Nourrissent les Nigériens”

Haut Commissariat à l’Initiative “les Nigériens Nourrissent les Nigériens”

High Commission for Water and Forests and the Fight against Desertification of Morocco

High Commission for Water and Forests and the Fight against Desertification of Morocco

Horus Development Finance

Horus Development Finance

National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information – International department

National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information – International department

Îles de paix

Îles de paix



International Council Initiatives

International Council Initiatives

Francophone Institute of Energy and the Environment

Francophone Institute of Energy and the Environment

Research Institute for Sustainable Development

Research Institute for Sustainable Development

Institute for Research and Application of Development Methods

Institute for Research and Application of Development Methods

AgroParisTech – Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries

AgroParisTech – Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences and Industries

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations

Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations

European Forest Institute

European Forest Institute

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information

National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information

Institute of Maritime Affairs – Trinidad and Tobago

Institute of Maritime Affairs – Trinidad and Tobago

Institutions et développement

Institutions et développement

Investors and Partners

Investors and Partners

ISARA École d’ingénieurs agronomes Lyon et Avignon

ISARA École d’ingénieurs agronomes Lyon et Avignon

Kenya Forest Service

Kenya Forest Service



La Banque Agricole

La Banque Agricole

Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency

Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency



Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea

Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea

Ministry of Agriculture of France

Ministry of Agriculture of France

Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche maritime

Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche maritime

Ministry of Agriculture of Chad

Ministry of Agriculture of Chad

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Burkina Faso

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Burkina Faso

Ministry of Environment, Urban Health and Sustainable Development of Côte d’Ivoire

Ministry of Environment, Urban Health and Sustainable Development of Côte d’Ivoire

Ministère des eaux et forêts de Côte d’Ivoire

Ministère des eaux et forêts de Côte d’Ivoire

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana

Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana

Mushiete & Co

Mushiete & Co





Novacel SPRL

Novacel SPRL

Overseas Departments Agricultural Economy Development Office

Overseas Departments Agricultural Economy Development Office

National Forestry Office

National Forestry Office

National Forestry Office International

National Forestry Office International

OLAM Gabon

OLAM Gabon

African Intellectual Property Organization

African Intellectual Property Organization

Organisation congolaise des écologistes et amis de la nature

Organisation congolaise des écologistes et amis de la nature

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Professional agricultural organizations

Professional agricultural organizations

REDD+ Partnership

REDD+ Partnership

Blue Plan

Blue Plan

United Nations World Food Programme

United Nations World Food Programme

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Environment Programme

United Nations Environment Programme

Corporate Governance, Organization and Sustainable Development Program

Corporate Governance, Organization and Sustainable Development Program

Energy Services Improvement Project

Energy Services Improvement Project

Prospect Consulting & Services

Prospect Consulting & Services

PT Smart tbk

PT Smart tbk

Pur projet

Pur projet

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance

Rectorate of Mayotte

Rectorate of Mayotte

Regional network of marine protected areas in West Africa

Regional network of marine protected areas in West Africa

Secours Catholique – Caritas France

Secours Catholique – Caritas France

Société d’exploitation et de développement aéroportuaire, aéronautique et météorologique

Société d’exploitation et de développement aéroportuaire, aéronautique et météorologique

International Finance Corporation

International Finance Corporation

General Trade and Transport

General Trade and Transport

Société nationale d’aménagement et d’exploitation des terres du delta du fleuve Sénégal et des vallées du fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé

Société nationale d’aménagement et d’exploitation des terres du delta du fleuve Sénégal et des vallées du fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé

French company of realization, studies and consulting

French company of realization, studies and consulting

International solidarity for development and investment

International solidarity for development and investment

SOS Sahel

SOS Sahel

Suez Consulting

Suez Consulting

Sylvatrop consulting

Sylvatrop consulting

Tanzania Forest Services Agency

Tanzania Forest Services Agency





Land environment planning

Land environment planning



European Union

European Union

International Union for Conservation of Nature

International Union for Conservation of Nature

National Implementation Unit for the Enhanced Integrated Framework in Chad

National Implementation Unit for the Enhanced Integrated Framework in Chad



State University of the Amazon – Ecuador

State University of the Amazon – Ecuador

Université Catholique de Louvain

Université Catholique de Louvain

Université de Korhogo

Université de Korhogo

University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore – India

University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore – India

University of Missouri – USA

University of Missouri – USA

Vertigo Lab

Vertigo Lab

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

W. K. Kellogg Foundation



Wildlife Conservation Society

Wildlife Conservation Society

Winrock International

Winrock International

World Wildlife Fund – Belgium

World Wildlife Fund – Belgium