Technical assistance to Guinea’s National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS)
Assessment of the environmental and social risks of the orange blossom sector for sustainable sourcing
Assessment of the environmental and social risks of the ginger and longose sectors for sustainable sourcing
Diagnostic et appui-conseil pour un sourcing durable et responsable de noyer noir et de bois tropicaux
Technical assistance on climate issues at the Agricultural Bank of Senegal (LBA)
Élaboration de feuilles de route pour les marchés du carbone forestier du bassin du Congo
Technical assistance for the agricultural and rural land tenure roadmap in Guinea
Technical assistance for the Climate Strategy of the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA) of Mali
Integration of NDC actions into the agricultural and forestry sectors’ planning
Measurement and promotion of soil organic carbon in cotton systems
Prototyping an Improved Stove Model with Chimney in Kericho County
Audit of the National Directorate of Agriculture (DNA) in Guinea
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