Mid-term and final evaluation of the FONABES Sahel project and pre-feasibility of a 2nd phase

Technical assistance for the agricultural and rural land tenure roadmap in Guinea

Feasibility study of a forest plantation and mangrove protection project

Measurement and promotion of soil organic carbon in cotton systems

Strengthening the charcoal industry’s sustainability in the Zambezi Basin

Strengthening the adaptation of agriculture and agro-meteorological services

Roadmap to promote the export of Guinean pineapples to Senegal

Development of the Sustainable Agriculture Development Plan for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon

Study of the socio-economic impacts of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in Africa

Study of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Madagascar

Socio-economic analysis of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems

Support for the development of Congo’s REDD+ Preparedness Plan (R-PP)