Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation
Countries: France
Dates of intervention: 2023/01 - 2023/03
Amount executed: 23 970 €
Total amount of the service: 23 970 €
Main backer: France forest wood – National interprofession - Client
Main beneficiary: France forest wood – National interprofession
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Melaine KERMARC
Certificate of satisfactory executionRETEX du Programme Douglas soutenu par FBF 2023
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is highly prized in the forest-wood sector both upstream (particularly for its growth capacity and relative plasticity) and downstream (exceptional technological properties, particularly in the timber construction sector). Douglas-fir harvest in France has increased almost sixfold in 30 years and could double again in the next 15 years.
Since 2016, France-Bois-Forêt has been supporting the France Douglas interprofessional association and its development program for the French Douglas fir industry, which includes three objectives: (i) upstream: ensuring the renewal the resource in terms of quality and quantity, (ii) downstream: developing the supply for construction, (iii) communication: promoting the industry's influence.
France Bois Forêt would like to provide feedback (RETEX) on this programme: to give an independent and reasoned assessment of the funding granted, after having assessed the coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the actions.
These services included:
- Assessment of the coherence of the programme in relation to the objectives set, the political context and other actors in the sector;
- Analysis of the implementation, results and impacts of the programme in relation to the objectives set;
- Assessment of the amounts allocated by FBF in relation to the ambitions of the programme and recommendation on the need for FBF to continue to support this programme;
- Capitalization of experiences and lessons to be learned from the implementation of activities for the success of any future programmes;
- Recommendations for the further implementation of the programme, as well as on points to be strengthened.
Feedback (RETEX) for the national interprofession France Bois Forêt on the development programme for the French Douglas fir sector, implemented between 2019 and 2022: Evalutation of the coherence of the programme; Analysis of the implementation, results and impacts of the programme; Evaluation of the resources mobilized; Capitalization of experiences and lessons learned from implementation; Recommendations on the need for FBF to continue to support this programme.