Final evaluation of the Agrovalor project for energy recovery of agricultural waste Côte d’Ivoire


Agence française de développementNitidae

Services: Monitoring, evaluation and capitalisation

Countries: Côte d’Ivoire

Dates of intervention: 2022/02 - 2022/03

Amount executed: 16 440 €
Total amount of the service: 16 440 €

Main backer: Agence française de développement

Main beneficiary: Nitidae - Client

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Paul BELCHI, Olivier BOUYER

Certificate of satisfactory executionRapport d'évaluation finale du projet Agrovalor

Context of the service

In Ivory Coast, the development of local processing industries for agricultural products generates wealth, roots added value to the territory and creates jobs, especially for women. But these agro-industries also generate waste.

The objective of the Agrovalor project is to promote and disseminate techniques and equipment allowing energy recovery from processing waste in the cashew, cassava and shea value chains, particularly in the cities of Bouaké and Korhogo.

Implemented over a four-year period, from 2017 to 2021, its two specific objectives were (i) the design and commercialization of appropriate technologies, and (ii) the strengthening of local skills through the training of young people and the structuration of operators.

Nitidæ commissioned the final external evaluation of the project's performance in order to draw lessons for future interventions and also to demonstrate accountability and transparency towards the project's donor, AFD.

Services provided

The services provided were as follows:

- Bibliographic analysis of project documents;

- Development of an evaluation matrix according to OECD-DAC criteria and specific questions (technological choices' relevance; business models' strength; scaling up possibility; etc.);

- Field mission early 2022 in Ivory Coast (Bouaké and Korhogo): conducting surveys with beneficiaries and stakeholders, direct on-site observations, mission report;

- Data analysis and final external evaluation report, including evaluative judgments and operational recommendations;

- Facilitation of a restitution workshop bringing together the project team and their local partners, in order to share findings and draw lessons for the future.

Summary of the service

Final evaluation of the Agrovalor project for energy recovery of agricultural waste (cashew nuts, cassava and shea): Literature review and field mission; Evaluation through OECD-DAC criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability); Evaluation of specific issues (technological choices' relevance; business models' strength; scaling up possibility; etc.); Final evaluation report including operational recommendations; Restitution workshop.