Services: Technical and economic advice, Technical assistance
Countries: Kenya
Dates of intervention: 2021/08 - 2022/01
Amount executed: 22 715 €
Total amount of the service: 22 715 €
Main backer: Pur projet - Client
Main beneficiary: Pur projet
Support provider: SalvaTerra
Experts: Eva HAENTJENS
Certificate of satisfactory executionPrototypage d'un foyer amélioré en vue de sa diffusion au sein de la coopérative de caféiculteurs Cherara dans le Comté de Kericho
The NGO PUR Project seeks to disseminate improved stoves among coffee farmers in the Cherara cooperative in Kericho County.
After selecting and testing three models of stove on the field, one of the models appeared very promising: made from clay and bricks, it has a chimney and two cooking slots. It meets users' needs for firepower, adaptability to local cooking practices and utensils, and safety. The chimney, which allows most of the smoke to be evacuated outside the kitchen, was also an advantage for users.
However, the stove has not shown an abiility to reduce wood consumption compared to the traditional stove. The objective of the mission is therefore to propose technical improvements in order to improve the performance of the stove, before it is distributed to the cooperative members.
The services provided were as follows:
- Identification and validation of the parameters to be tested: height of the combustion chamber, inside diameter of the stove, materials used, etc.
- Construction of prototypes and water boiling tests to measure wood saving;
- Installation of test cookers in pilot households and evaluation of their satisfaction after several weeks of use (ergonomics, heating speed, wood saving, smoke reduction, etc.);
- Identification of the most promising prototype and feasibility analysis for its manufacturing by local craftsmen.
Prototyping of an improved stove model with chimney in Kericho County: Identification and validation of the parameters to be tested (height of the combustion chamber, inside diameter of the stove, etc.); Construction of prototypes and water boiling tests to measure wood saving; Setting up test stoves in pilot households and evaluating their satisfaction; Identification of the most promising prototype and feasibility analysis for its manufacturing by local craftsmen.