Analysis of cash crops potential in south Madagascar Madagascar


World BankGovernment of Madagascar

Services: Technical and economic advice, Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Madagascar

Dates of intervention: 2020/03 - 2021/02

Amount executed: 68 237 €
Total amount of the service: 111 768 €

Main backer: World Bank - Client

Main beneficiary: Government of Madagascar

Other beneficiaries:


Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB, Álvaro NAVARRO, Paul BELCHI

Certificate of satisfactory executionEtude du potentiel de production agricole dans la zone de Fort Dauphin et sur l’axe RN12a

Context of the service

The "Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors" (PIC2) project is funded by the World Bank and supports the Ministries in charge of agriculture and trade. It aims to stimulate economic growth and private investment in agribusiness sectors, particularly in the south of the country, in the Anosy region.

In previous years, the PIC2 had supported the development of the pink pepper sector in the Anosy Region and identified new intervention sectors such as vanilla, cloves, honey, moringa and lychee.

In order to broaden its support, the PIC2 project wanted to have reliable qualitative and quantitative information on the main target cash value chains in the Anosy and Atsimo Atsinanana Regions: cloves, vanilla, coffee, lychee, melliferous plants, pink peppercorn and pepper. A study of the production potential of these value chains has therefore been launched.

Services provided

The following services were provided:

- Collection of field data, in the Anosy and Atsimo Atsinanana Regions, on the value chains of the cloves, vanilla, coffee, lychee, melliferous plants, pink peppercorn and pepper value chains;

- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the current and potential production of each of the value chains, with estimates of FOB values and average revenues per producer;

- Mapping of production areas by photo-interpretation and remote sensing;

- Identification of opportunities and constraints for the development of the sectors, and recommendations for PlC2 interventions;

. Compilation of the above analyses in a study report.

Summary of the service

Analysis of cash crops potential (cloves, vanilla, coffee, lychee, melliferous plants, pink peppercorns and pepper) in the South of Madagascar: Collection of field data in the Anosy and Atsimo Atsinanana Regions; Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the current and potential production of each of the value chains; Mapping of production areas; Identification of development opportunities and constraints; Recommendations for the Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project (ICP2).