Identification of support for promising agricultural value chains in the South-East of Madagascar Madagascar


World BankGovernment of Madagascar

Services: Diagnostics and feasibility studies

Countries: Madagascar

Dates of intervention: 2017/12 - 2018/08

Amount executed: 89 149 €
Total amount of the service: 89 149 €

Main backer: World Bank - Client

Main beneficiary: Government of Madagascar

Support provider: SalvaTerra

Experts: Anis CHAKIB

Certificate of satisfactory executionMission d'analyses pour la sélection et l'identification d'appuis a des filières agricoles porteuses dans les zones d'intervention du projet PIC2- Rapport d'établissement Méthodologie de travail et chronogramme de mission affinéRapport final - Appui aux filières agricoles porteuses dans la zone Fort Dauphin et Axe RN12a

Context of the service

The Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project (PIC2), funded by the World Bank ($50 million, 2015-2019), supports value chains deemed to be promising: cocoa in the Diana region; cotton, sea cucumber and seaweed in the Atsimo Andrefana region; pink bay in the Anosy region. Various actions are implemented: updating of regulations and standards; strengthening coordination in the value chains; technical supervision of producers; provision of inputs and equipment.
In order to prepare a new phase (PIC2-2, 2019-2022), the PIC2 team wishes to identify new promising agricultural value chains to support and define strategies and intervention modalities to contribute to increasing export values, creating jobs and increasing producers' incomes.

Services provided

A first two-week mission made it possible to develop a long list of 24 agricultural cash crops, based on the agroecological vocations and aptitudes of each region, and the existing marketing channels. 11 value chains were then prioritized taking into account the potential of the market, the organization of the actors and the potential impacts of a PIC2-2 intervention: cashew nuts, coffee, cloves, essential oils, lychee, honey, moringa, Cape peas (and other legumes), pepper, stevia and vanilla.
A second three-week mission made it possible to refine the value chains analysis. Based on the data collected and numerous field exchanges (producers, private operators, PIC2 teams), detailed strategies and action plans for each value chain were produced.
Finally, a third mission focused more specifically and in depth on the vanilla value chain, resulting in a complete diagnostic report.

Summary of the service

Assessment of cash crops and agricultural products (cashew nuts, coffee, cloves, essential oils, lychee, honey, moringa, Cape peas (and other legumes), pepper, stevia and vanilla) in South-East Madagascar and support for the formulation of strategies and action plans for the development of value chains as part of the component "Promoting the sustainable development of agribusiness" (US$ 20 million) of the Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project (PIC2)