Services: Strategic analysis and foresight, Training and capacity building
Countries: Maroc
Dates of intervention: 2012/06
Amount executed: 7 233 €
Total amount of the service: 7 233 €
Main backer: Agence de coopération technique allemande - Client
Main beneficiary: Haut commissariat aux eaux et forêts et à la lutte contre la désertification du Maroc
Support provider: Olivier BOUYER
Experts: Olivier BOUYER
Certificate of satisfactory executionAtelier "Position marocaine forêt-climat"
Ahead of COP18 in Doha, GIZ therefore wished to organize a positioning workshop on forest and climate negotiations, bringing together about twenty participants from the High Commission for Water and Forests and the Fight against Desertification (HCEFLCD) and the Department of Environment (DE) of the Ministry of Energy, Mines, of Water and Environment (MEMEE) of Morocco. The objectives of this workshop were to identify the strengths/capacities of the different services of the HCEFLCD and the MEMEE for Morocco's entry into REDD+, and to strengthen the capacities of these (ii) facilitate the workshop and make presentations on REDD+ (the greenhouse effect, the history of the negotiations under the climate convention, the key features of the REDD+ mechanism, accessible REDD+ finance, stages of developing a REDD+ roadmap).
Interviews provided a better understanding of the roles of the HCEFLCD and the MEMEE ED in the preparation and implementation of a REDD+ strategy, including actions in terms of forest management, reforestation, fire control, forest health monitoring, forest defence, etc. The capacities of agents have been strengthened in REDD+. Finally, three recommendations were made: #1 Institutionalize the links between MEMEE ED and HCEFLCD on REDD+, #2 Ensure that the specificities of Mediterranean forests are properly taken into account in REDD+ negotiations, #3 Conduct a feasibility study to estimate the costs/benefits associated with Morocco's entry into REDD+.
Facilitation of a workshop to prepare Morocco's REDD+ strategy with environment and forest services: Identification of the roles of the HCEFLCD and the MEMEE ED; Capacity building of REDD+ agents; Formulation of recommendations (institutionalize the links between MEMEE ED and HCEFLCD on REDD+, defend the specificities of Mediterranean forests in REDD+ negotiations, estimate the costs/benefits associated with Morocco's entry into REDD+).