
Adaptation to the effects of climate change: In 2020-2021, SalvaTerra contributed to the participatory development of an adaptation strategy for the Senegal River Valley.

14 December 2021

Adaptation to the effects of climate change: In 2020-2021, SalvaTerra contributed to the participatory development of an adaptation strategy for the Senegal River Valley.

As part of the Adapt'Action Facility, financed by AFD, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment (MAER) of Senegal, SalvaTerra coordinated support to:

(i) analyze the vulnerabilities of the agricultural sector to the expected effects of climate change in the different agro-ecological zones of the Senegal River Valley;

(ii) propose adaptation options through a 2035 strategy and a first action plan.

This strategy should enable the Société Nationale d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta du Fleuve Sénégal et des Vallées du Fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé (SAED) and its partners to include the strengthening of resilience to the effects of climate change in their actions to develop the territories of the Valley and support local economic development. The strategy revolves around four axes broken down into 15 sub-axes of intervention.


For example, the adaptation options selected include soil desalination and the restoration of market gardening activities in Gandiolais, the development of local production of quality seeds, the promotion of fodder crops, the strengthening of SAED’s capacities to anticipate risks for hydro-agricultural developments, the development of livestock insurance products, the dissemination of innovations in participatory water management, better control of invasive aquatic plants, support for pilot initiatives in post-harvest management or support for women and their groups in the dairy and fisheries processing sectors.

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