Final evaluation of the project “Consolidation of improved cookstoves” (COFIFAM)

Feedback on the contribution of France Bois Forêt to the achievement of the 2030 SDGs

Mid-term and final evaluation of the FONABES Sahel project and pre-feasibility of a 2nd phase

Feedback on the 2019-2022 FBF interprofessional agreement for its renewal in 2023-2025

Mid-term evaluation of the Forest Management Control (CAF) project

Feasibility study of a forest plantation and mangrove protection project

Feedback on Maritime Pine Seed Resource Programs

Development of communal forest management plans in eastern Burundi

Estimating the costs/benefits of REDD+ in Côte d’Ivoire

Support for the carbonization and marketing of sustainable charcoal in Kinshasa

Assistance technique et pré-études de faisabilité de trois projets régionaux de développement local et gestion durable des ressources naturelles

Assistance technique au Programme de gestion durable des forêts (PGDF)