Revue du document de projet – Aménagement du bassin versant de Svay Chek par des SfN

Analyses détaillées des impacts GES du projet de riziculture irriguée WAT4CAM

Final Evaluation of the Mahaweli Watershed Climate Change Adaptation Project

Technical assistance for the Climate Strategy of the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA) of Mali

Training in agroecology for NGO SIDI, a solidarity investor

Study of the needs and development strategy of SODEXAM’s agro-meteorological services

Strengthening the adaptation of agriculture and agro-meteorological services

Feasibility study of the Tirawa Initiative in support of the Food Security Support Project (PSAE)

Study of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Madagascar

Assistance technique sur les enjeux “climat” à La banque agricole du Sénégal (LBA)

Final evaluation of the project to support takeover bids for the palm oil and rice sectors (ACORH)

Support for the development of the Ivorian REDD+ roadmap