Feasibility study of the CAFI Sustainable Land Use Programme (PUDT)

Study of the socio-economic impacts of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in Africa

Technical and financial evaluation of agri-environment-climate measures

Feasibility study of the project Restoration of forests and landscapes in the Central African Republic

Feasibility study of the project Restoration of forests and landscapes in the Sahel

Development of communal forest management plans in eastern Burundi

Etude de faisabilité projet d’Appui à la gestion durable des Ressources et du Territoire des Comores (AGDRTC)

Assistance technique et pré-études de faisabilité de trois projets régionaux de développement local et gestion durable des ressources naturelles

Assistance technique au Programme de gestion durable des forêts (PGDF)