Étude des filières manioc, bois d’œuvre et charbon pour une plantation agroforestière

Final evaluation of the Agrovalor project for energy recovery of agricultural waste

Feasibility study of the CAFI Sustainable Land Use Programme (PUDT)

Technical and financial evaluation of agri-environment-climate measures

Feasibility study of the project Restoration of forests and landscapes in the Central African Republic

Support for the operationalization of the GICET agroforestry cooperative

Setting up an agroforestry plantation project with GECOTRA

Feasibility study for the Sustainable Management of Resources and Territory Project

Pre-feasibility studies for three local development projects and sustainable NRMs

Final evaluation of the AFD-AVSF Multi-Year Partnership Agreement 2019-2022

Final evaluation of the AFD-AVSF Multi-Year Partnership Agreement 2019-2022

Feasibility study of the Talaky Be project for the adaptation of agriculture to CC