SalvaTerra Consulting firm specialising in the environment, agriculture, forestry and rural development

We provide tailor-made support and advice to ensure the success of development initiatives and natural resources management in developing countries.

Environment, agriculture, forestry and rural development


Urgent action
is needed

Economic development is and has been too often carried out at the expense of natural resources. In a context of global changes (6th biodiversity crisis, climate change, peak oil and energy crisis, unprecedented rise in world population, etc.), our current destructive development practices are leading us quickly and collectively to the brink.

Think globally,
act locally

To help change the dominant development paradigm, SalvaTerra has been providing tailor-made support and advice since 2012 to accompany and implement rural development projects - mainly in the countries of the South (Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia) but also in the countries of the North - that reconcile the sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems and wealth creation for local populations (agricultural products, timber and non-timber forest products etc.).

The love of a job
well done

Rural populations in the South are often in a state of severe deprivation, which only worsens as the surrounding 'natural capital' deteriorates. Faced with this situation, we approach our work with pragmatism and passion, adapting to the national context and the problem at hand and, above all, working with a results-oriented approach.

Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project

SalvaTerra was able to adapt to the difficult context, related to the COVID pandemic during the realization of the mission, which concluded with very satisfactory results, which the Project is in the process of popularizing.

Technological improvement of ylang-ylang essential oil distillation

Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project, 10/2022

Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière – Branche internationale

My organization [...] particularly appreciated the relevance and quality of the report delivered at the end of the service.

Pre-feasibility study of agroecological zoning of Guinea

Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière – Branche internationale, 09/2017

Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Mayotte

The quality of the expertise was recognized by the sponsoring organization and confirmed by the members of the Evaluation Steering Committee. The availability of SalvaTerra agents, their efficiency and professionalism in carrying out the study were highlighted.

Technical and financial evaluation of agri-environment-climate measures

Direction de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Mayotte, 06/2017

Agence française de développement

L'AFD est satisfaite de cette prestation.

Révision du cadre d’investissement national du CAFI

Agence française de développement, 02/2017

Global Canopy Programme

The work done is therefore satisfactory and we are satisfied with Maden's work.

Global Canopy Programme support to develop Cameroon’s REDD+ Country Profile

Global Canopy Programme, 08/2019

Rainforest Alliance

SalvaTerra were in accordance with the terms of the contract, including the results agreed upon and in respect of the agreed deadlines.

Development of a protocol for assessing deforestation caused by cocoa

Rainforest Alliance, 08/2019

French Facility for Global Environment

My organization is satisfied with this service, which was carried out on time and competently. The conclusions of the evaluation were relevant and the performance provided concrete leads for the development of a new programme on this subject.

Mid-term and final evaluation of the FONABES Sahel project and pre-feasibility of a 2nd phase

French Facility for Global Environment, 10/2022

Wildlife Conservation Society

My organization is extremely satisfied with the service and found the team very professional, responsive to our needs and with a strong technical capacity. We will not hesitate to work with SalvaTerra in the future.

Alignment of the Makira REDD+ project with the ER-Program of North-West Madagascar

Wildlife Conservation Society, 11/2017

French Development Agency

My organization is satisfied with this diagnostic service aimed at proposing a rehabilitation and integrated management program for this forest.

Initiation of the management plan for the de Gaulle forest (Jerash, North Jordan)

French Development Agency, 09/2019

International Finance Corporation

My organization is satisfied with their performance and would like to highlight the professionalism and comprehensiveness of the approach taken.

Market study on the financing of small-scale private irrigation in Niger

International Finance Corporation, 10/2022

United Nations Development Programme

Mr. David COMBAZ has carried out with satisfaction on behalf of UNDP [...] the mission of developing tools for the integration of NDCs iinto the agricultural, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sectors' planning.

Integration of NDC actions into the agricultural and forestry sectors’ planning

United Nations Development Programme, 01/2023

European Forest Institute

Salva Terra's experts have shown great professionalism in the management of this project, in the mobilization and consultation [...] as well as in the conduct of technical analysis.

Support for setting up a Brazil-DRC bilateral cooperation on REDD+

European Forest Institute, 04/2015

International Union for Conservation of Nature

The service and deliverables provided (...) are of high quality with practical guidance to support the work of IUCN and its partners in the field. IUCN particularly appreciated the collaborative approach and efficiency in carrying out the mission.

Promoting pro-biodiversity practices in mining and agribusiness in West and Central Africa

International Union for Conservation of Nature, 09/2020

Banque mondiale

I am fully satisfied with their performance and their ability to offer expertise both in the collection and processing of field data and in the analysis of results, as well as their involvement at all levels and with various stakeholders.

Study of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Madagascar

Banque mondiale, 08/2017

World Wildlife Fund – Belgium

My organization is satisfied with their performance

Final evaluation of the “Ecomakala” energy reforestation project

World Wildlife Fund – Belgium, 02/2014

Olivier, Anis, Eva, David, Johan, Sophia, Melaine, Vincent... A team of experts at your service.

The SalvaTerra Team

Sustainable forest management, Agroecology, Adaptation to climate change, Corporate social responsibility...

Our activities

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💡 Études de faisabilité & formulation de projets : l’expertise SalvaTerra 🌍

19 Feb. 2025

💡 Études de faisabilité & formulation de projets : l’expertise SalvaTerra 🌍

Chez SalvaTerra, nous accompagnons les bailleurs de fonds et porteurs de projets avec une approche rigoureuse et pragmatique, fondée sur des années d'expérience en études de hashtag#faisabilité et en hashtag#formulation de projets.

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Une nouvelle experte dans l’équipe SalvaTerra !

13 Feb. 2025

Une nouvelle experte dans l’équipe SalvaTerra !

Catherine ANDRE a rejoint l’équipe de SalvaTerra en février 2025 pour renforcer l’équipe et accompagner son développement en France et à l’international.

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Évaluation du projet “Résilience des petits producteurs de café en Éthiopie via l’agroforesterie”

04 Feb. 2025

Évaluation du projet “Résilience des petits producteurs de café en Éthiopie via l’agroforesterie”

🌿 Renforcer la résilience des caféiculteurs de Sidama en Ethiopie : SalvaTerra réalise l'évaluation d'un projet innovant et multi-dimensionnel ☕🐝

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Meilleurs vœux pour 2025 !

07 Jan. 2025

Meilleurs vœux pour 2025 !

Toute l’équipe de SalvaTerra vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux pour une belle et heureuse année 2025 !

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🌍 🦋 🌱 BIODIVERSITÉ. Après les discussions, place à l’action !

05 Nov. 2024

🌍 🦋 🌱 BIODIVERSITÉ. Après les discussions, place à l’action !

La biodiversité mondiale est largement méconnue : 1,9 millions d’espèces sont répertoriées dans le Catalogue of Life mais il en existerait a priori quatre fois plus, soit 8,7 millions ! Et sur ces 8,7 millions, près d’un million sont menacées d’extinction… La 6ème extinction de masse de la biodiversité est en cours.

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SalvaTerra au salon COSMETIC 360 en appui à la filière ylang-ylang des Comores

24 Oct. 2024

SalvaTerra au salon COSMETIC 360 en appui à la filière ylang-ylang des Comores

SalvaTerra a été mandatée par le projet AFIDEV, porté par Expertise France, pour étudier les marchés de l'ylang-ylang et dégager des pistes de renforcement du positionnement de la production des Comores sur le marché international

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