Economic development is and has been too often carried out at the expense of natural resources. In a context of global changes (6th biodiversity crisis, climate change, peak oil and energy crisis, unprecedented rise in world population, etc.), our current destructive development practices are leading us quickly and collectively to the brink.
To help change the dominant development paradigm, SalvaTerra has been providing tailor-made support and advice since 2012 to accompany and implement rural development projects - mainly in the countries of the South (Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia) but also in the countries of the North - that reconcile the sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems and wealth creation for local populations (agricultural products, timber and non-timber forest products etc.).
Rural populations in the South are often in a state of severe deprivation, which only worsens as the surrounding 'natural capital' deteriorates. Faced with this situation, we approach our work with pragmatism and passion, adapting to the national context and the problem at hand and, above all, working with a results-oriented approach.
My organization is satisfied with this service and particularly appreciates the responsiveness, precision and relevance of the work provided by SalvaTerra.
Feasibility study of the “Central African Forest Initiative” Programme
French Development Agency, 03/2018
The work carried out is therefore satisfactory and has been validated by counterparts and relevant stakeholders.
Assessment and development plan of the date and natron value chains in Chad
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 08/2015
The involvement of SalvaTerra in the evaluation was entirely satisfactory.
Final evaluation of the Land Reform and Land Tenure Security Support Project (ARSF)
Sylvatrop consulting, 05/2021
Je confirme que la réalisation de ces activités par SalvaTerra SAS s'est avérée conforme aux termes du contrat, y compris les résultats attendus et les échéances fixées. Mon organisme est satisfait de cette prestation.
Formation au diagnostic agroécologique pour les partenaires libanais de la SIDI
Solidarité internationale pour le développement et I’investissement, 09/2024
My organization [...] considers that the study was conducted in a very detailed manner, with the aim of responding comprehensively to the mission entrusted to it in a sometimes difficult field context, with a high-quality deliverable.
Feasibility study of the project Restoration of forests and landscapes in the Sahel
Fonds français pour l’environnement mondial, 11/2017
We particularly appreciated the rigorous analysis of the SalvaTerra SAS team, and its ability to work together with various technical (JRC) and political partners (Government of Côte d'Ivoire) while respecting the deadlines set.
Comparative study of different forest definitions, in the framework of REDD+ and RSPO
European Forest Institute, 03/2015
My organization is satisfied with the way this performance went.
Integration of climate change issues within the Ministry of Agriculture
Expertise France, 10/2022
The baseline study carried out by SalvaTerra played an important role in guiding the implementation of the climate-smart agriculture project.
Feasibility study of the climate change component of the AEMIP project
Winrock International, 05/2016
The performance was very satisfactory and the Project is satisfied with the deliverables.
Identification of support for promising agricultural value chains in the South-East of Madagascar
Integrated Growth Poles and Corridors Project, 06/2019
The work done is therefore satisfactory and we are satisfied with Maden's work.
Global Canopy Programme support to develop Cameroon’s REDD+ Country Profile
Global Canopy Programme, 08/2019
SalvaTerra SAS provided the outside perspective needed to address the identified issues, identified additional issues through its field mission and its discussions with stakeholders, and proposed concrete remediation solutions and improvements to the project proposal. The service was delivered on time.
Feasibility study of the Dundi Ferlo project – Reforestation for sustainable management of pastoral lands
French Facility for Global Environment, 02/2024
Salva Terra successfully performed this service.
Technical assistance to CILSS countries on climate issues (2013-2014)
Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, 08/2015
We would like to emphasize that all services were provided in a timely manner and with a high professional standard.
Strengthening the charcoal industry’s sustainability in the Zambezi Basin
Belgian development agency, 05/2022
My organization is very satisfied with this service, which was carried out with seriousness and professionalism in view of the high level of requirements of the steering committee and the limited budget of the study.
Meta-evaluation of rice projects with regard to climate issues (mitigation and adaptation)
French Association for Water, Irrigation and Drainage, 06/2024
My team is satisfied [...] with the seriousness shown by the teams who were able to be responsive and attentive.
RETEX on the forest management training program (FOGEFOR) for private foresters
France forest wood – National interprofession, 10/2022
Olivier, Anis, Eva, David, Johan, Sophia, Melaine, Vincent... A team of experts at your service.
The SalvaTerra TeamSustainable forest management, Agroecology, Adaptation to climate change, Corporate social responsibility...
Our activitiesDiscover all our references
13 Mar. 2025
Avec plus de 300 références dans 60 pays, SalvaTerra dispose de connaissances approfondies et d’une expertise solide sur les caractéristiques et enjeux de nombreuses filières.
04 Mar. 2025
👍 SalvaTerra est fier d’avoir conduit en 2023-24, en groupement avec SUEZ Consulting, l’étude de faisabilité du projet Ulanga Mali aux Comores. C'est toujours une satisfaction de constater le lancement d'un projet sur lequel nous avons longuement travaillé...